Flea and tick preventive technology has come a long way since the pyrethrins and organophosphates of the early 20th century. We at Evesham Veterinary Clinic offer a wide range of the most advanced, safe, and effective flea and tick preventives, made by the most trusted pharmaceutical manufacturers. These products offer improved safety profiles and are better at eliminating …
Category Archives: Cat
International Health Certificate – For Pet Travel
International travel with your pet can be a lot of fun. At the same time, the free movement of animals around the world has to be balanced with the interests of destination countries in preventing the introduction of exotic diseases. For example, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia are free of rabies. Were the rabies …
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Diseases and Vaccination – Cats
Diseases & Vaccination One of the very best things you can do to give your cat a long and healthy life is to ensure that he is vaccinated against common feline diseases. Your cat’s mother gave her kitten immunity from disease for the first few weeks of existence by providing disease-fighting antibodies in her milk. …
Basic Health Check – Cats
Basic Health Check Congratulations – you have a new kitten! You’ve anticipated the new arrival by ‘kittenproofing’ your home and had lots of fun choosing the carrier, bed, blanket, toys and other supplies he or she will need. This adorable little bundle of fluff is sure to bring you much joy. In return, you can make …
Eye Care – Cats
Eye Care A healthy cat’s eyes should be clear and bright and the area around the eyeball white. Common Symptoms of Illness Red inner eyelids Matter ‘stuck’ on the surface or in the corners of the eye Cloudiness within the eyeball A dull eye surface The ‘third eyelid’ coming across the eye Excessive tearing or …
Administering Medication – Cats
Administering Medication Just like you, your cat is going to get sick occasionally and you’ll likely come home from your veterinarian with some medication to administer. Learning how to do it right will make the process easier both for you and your cat. Always follow the instructions given by your veterinarian. Be sure to administer …
Ear Care – Cats
Ear Care Clean, odour-free, pale pink colour and a minimal accumulation of wax are indications of healthy ears. Check your pet’s ears regularly. Signs of Ear Disease Unpleasant odour Excessive scratching and pawing of the ear and head Sensitivity to touch, often resulting in pain Constant tilting/shaking of the head to one side Black or …
Dental Care – Cats
Dental Care Your pet counts on you for protection With major advances in treating serious infectious and other pet diseases, oral disease – most importantly periodontal or gum disease caused by the buildup of plaque and tartar – has become the number-one health problem for cats. It’s estimated that without proper dental care 70% of …
Behavior – Cats
Behavior A few fundamentals Cats were once described as asocial animals, but this is no longer regarded as true. Although very different from dogs, cats also need interaction and most importantly, your loving attention! When you bring a new kitten or cat into your home you’ll have to decide whether your pet will live strictly …
Your Senior Cat
Your Senior Cat Old age is not a disease As a result of advances in veterinary medicine, more knowledgeable care and improved nutrition, cats are now living much longer, healthier lives. But, just as for humans, the passage of time has its effects, and you may begin to notice that your once-frisky feline seems to …