Flea and Tick Preventives

Flea and tick preventive technology has come a long way since the pyrethrins and organophosphates of the early 20th century.  We at Evesham Veterinary Clinic offer a wide range of the most advanced, safe, and effective flea and tick preventives, made by the most trusted pharmaceutical manufacturers.  These products offer improved safety profiles and are better at eliminating …

International Health Certificate – For Pet Travel

International travel with your pet can be a lot of fun.  At the same time, the free movement of animals around the world has to be balanced with the interests of destination countries in preventing the introduction of exotic diseases.  For example, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia are free of rabies.  Were the rabies …

Diseases and Vaccination – Cats

Diseases & Vaccination One of the very best things you can do to give your cat a long and healthy life is to ensure that he is vaccinated against common feline diseases. Your cat’s mother gave her kitten immunity from disease for the first few weeks of existence by providing disease-fighting antibodies in her milk. …

Dental Care – Cats

Dental Care Your pet counts on you for protection With major advances in treating serious infectious and other pet diseases, oral disease – most importantly periodontal or gum disease caused by the buildup of plaque and tartar – has become the number-one health problem for cats. It’s estimated that without proper dental care 70% of …